Selected Publications
[*equal contribution, #correspondence]
Shomar H*, Georjon H*, Feng Y, Olympio B, Tesson F, Cury J, Wu F# & Bernheim A#. Viperin immunity evolved across the tree of life through serial innovations on a conserved scaffold. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024).
Bastiaanssen C*, Bobadilla Ugarte P*, Kim K*, Finocchio G*, Feng Y*, Anzelon TA, Kostlbacher S, Tamarit D, Ettma TJG, Jinek M, MacRae IJ, Joo C#, Swarts DC# & Wu F#. RNA-guided RNA silencing by an Asgard archaeal Argonaute. Nature Communications (2024) .
Laso-Perez R*,#, Wu F*,#, Crémière A, Speth DS, Zhao K, Magyar JS, Krupovic M# & Orphan VJ#. Evolutionary diversification of methanotrophic ANME-1 archaea and their expansive virome. Nature Microbiology 8, 231-245. (2023)
Wu F#, Speth DR, Philosof A, Crémière A, Narayanan A, Barco RA, Connon SA, Amend JP, Antonshechkin IA, Orphan VJ#. Unique mobile elements and scalable gene flow at the prokaryote-eukaryote boundary revealed by circularized Asgard archaea genomes. Nature Microbiology 7, 200-212. (2022) [ON THE COVER]
Wu F, Swain P, Kuijpers L, Zheng X, Felters K, Guurink M, Solari J, Jun S, Shimizu T, Chaudhuri D, Mulder B & Dekker C. Cell boundary confinement sets the size and position of the E. coli chromosome. Current Biology 29, 2131-2144. (2019)
Wu F*, Japaridze A*, Zheng X, Wiktor J, Kerssemakers J, & Dekker C. Direct imaging of the circular chromosome in a live bacterium. Nature Communications 10, 2194. (2019)[Faculty 1000 recommendation] [Editor’s highlight in ‘Genomes and Epigenomes’] [Highlighted in Nature Reviews Microbiology August 2019 issue]
Wu F*, Halatek J*, Reiter M, Kingma E, Frey E & Dekker C. Multistability and dynamic transitions of intracellular Min protein patterns. Molecular Systems Biology 12, 873. (2016) [ON THE COVER]
Wu F & Dekker C. Nanofabricated structures and microfluidic devices for bacteria: from techniques to biology. Chemical Society Reviews 45, 268-280. (2016)
Wu F, van Schie BGC, Keymer JE & Dekker C. Symmetry and scale orient Min protein patterns in bacterial shape sculptures. Nature Nanotechnology 10, 719-726. (2015) [ON THE COVER]
Other Publications
Barco RA, Merino N, Lam B, Budnik B, Kaplan M, Wu F, Amend J, Nealson K, Emerson D. Comparative proteomics of a versatile, marine, iron‐oxidizing chemolithoautotroph. Environmental Microbiology, 26, e16632 (2024)
Murali R, Yu H, Speth DR, Wu F, Metcalfe K, Crémière A, Laso-Perez R, Malmstrom R, Goudeau D, Woyke T, Hatzenpichler R, Chadwick GL & Orphan VJ. Physiological potential and evolutionary trajectories of syntrophic sulfate-reducing bacterial partners of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea. PloS Biology 21, e3002292 (2023)
Li K, Ye Z, Chen G, Zheng K, Yin J, Debnath SC, Yan C, Hong Y, Guo Z, Wang P, Wu F#, Zheng D#. Atopomonas sediminilitoris sp. nov., isolated from beach sediment of Zhairuo Island, China. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 116,97-107. (2023)
Wang, P, Sheng, H, Zheng, K, Hong Y, Debnath SC, Yan C, Li K, Chen G, Xu J, Wu F, Guo Z, Zheng D. Ancylobacter gelatini sp. nov., isolated from beach sediment of Zhairuo Island, China. Archive of Microbiology 204, 430 (2022)
Goffredi SK, Tilic E, Mullin SW, Dawson KS, Keller A, Lee RW, Wu F, Levin LA, Rouse G, Cordes EE, Orphan VJ. Methanotrophic bacterial symbionts fuel dense populations of deep-sea feather duster worms (Sabellida, Annelida) and extend the spatial influence of methane seepage. Science Advances 6, eaay8562. (2020)
Bisson-Filho AW, Hsu YP, Squyres YS, Kuru E, Wu F, Jukes C, Sun Y, Dekker C, Holden S, van Nieuwenhze MS, Brun YV & Garner EC. Treadmilling by FtsZ filaments drives peptidoglycan synthesis and bacterial cell division. Science 355, 739-743. (2017)
Wu F, van Rijn E., van Schie BGC, Keymer JE & Dekker C. Multicolor imaging of bacterial nucleoid and division proteins with blue, orange and near-infrared fluorescent proteins. Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 607. (2015)
Männik J, Wu F, Hol FJH, Bissichia P, Sherratt DJ, Keymer JE and Dekker C. Robustness and accuracy of cell division in Escherichia coli in diverse cell shapes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109, 6957-6962. (2012)
Xu YL, Sun JG, Wu FB, and Xi YM. Investigation of characteristics of feather follicle stem cells and their regeneration potential. J. Stemcells & Regenerative Medicine 7, 69-74 (2011) [JOURNAL COVER]
Yang J, Cao C, Wang W, Tong X, Shi D, Wu F, Zheng Q, Guo C, Pan Z, Gao C and Wang J. Proliferation and osteogenesis of immortalized bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in porous polylactic glycolic acid scaffolds under perfusion culture. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 92, 817-829 (2010)
Xu Y, Yu M, Wu F, Sun J, Wood C, Hattori MA, Wang J and Xi Y. Effects of ectopic expression of human telomerase reverse transcriptase on immortalization of feather keratinocyte stem cells. J. Exp. Zool. B (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 312, 872-884 (2009)