The Team

Fabai Wu
Group Leader
fabaiwu [at] eitech.edu.cn
Fabai Wu studied in Zhejiang University (B.Sc.), TU Dresden (M.Sc.) and TU Delft (M.Sc.) before he obtained a Ph.D. working in the Cees Dekker Lab (TU Delft) on the biophysical principles of protein pattern formation and chromosome organization. He then worked with Victoria Orphan Lab at Caltech on the bioenergetics, ecology, and evolution of archaea and bacteria involved in the deep-sea methane and nitrogen cycle. He started his group in 2022 at Zhejiang University and in 2024, he became an Associate Professor at the Eastern Institute of Technology, a recently founded, English-taught private university in the beautiful port city of Ningbo.

Dr. Jingjing Ding

Dr. Kehan Zhao

MSc. Chunjiang Liu
Research associate

MSc. Danxi Cui
Research associate

MSc. Na Li
Research associate

Youxiong Lin
Master student

Yiping Li

Yizhe Zhuang